Congregational Library

Library Bulletin Board.JPG

Our books are catalogued and can be searched online:
For adult titles, visit
For children’s titles, visit

Our volunteer team staffs the library for about a half hour after Sunday Service and can assist you in your search.  There is a binder to sign out items at other times.

Lending Period
Members and friends in the GRU directory may borrow books for 3 weeks. Others may borrow books by special arrangement. Children need to have a parent or guardian present when they borrow books.  Please let us know if you need the book for longer.


Returning Books
Please put returned books in the tray and we’ll mark them returned and reshelve them.

Our congregation maintains a targeted collection of books and other media to support our members and friends in their searches for truth and meaning. Areas of strength include Unitarian Universalist history and theology, world religions, philosophy, humanism, and other topics in spirituality. The library also cares for children’s books belonging to the Children’s Religious Education committee.
When browsing our shelves, you’ll notice colored dots on some of the spines. Green dots indicate introductory books on Unitarianism, blue dots mark books written by our congregation’s own members and friends, and yellow dots mark the children’s books.  Please email for more information.

Collection and Donations
Our team has a small budget for buying new books each year and welcomes suggestions of relevant titles.
We evaluate donations in light of our terms of reference, which outline what our collection comprises. Donated books that fall outside our scope are returned with our thanks, and those that are accepted are marked with a special book plate thanking the donor. Donations and suggestions can be presented to Sunday's library team volunteer or placed in the return tray with your name and contact information attached.